
Parliament of South Australia

Bring Civics and Citizenship learning to life with a visit to Parliament House.

Parliament House is the home of South Australia’s legislature – the primary law making body in South Australia. The South Australian Parliament consists of the House of Assembly and the Legislative Council, which provide a rich backdrop for discovering democracy and learning about how South Australia is governed.

Guided tours, debate programs and viewing opportunities are available to encourage active citizenship and meaningful student learning. All guided programs are aligned with the Australian Curriculum.

Depending on the year level, the student learning includes:

  • levels of government
  • the separation of powers
  • law making
  • the role of Parliament
  • the role of Members of Parliament
  • interesting historical facts and conventions connected to the Parliament of South Australia

Teacher professional learning is available year round to support educators with their Civics & Citizenship programming.

School bookings

ALL school visits must be booked in advance.

The following options are available:

  • A one hour non-sitting day guided tour,
  • A non-sitting day guided tour including time for a debate
  • Sitting day tours between 9.30am-10.30am and 1-2pm (conducted from public galleries), with the option to watch Question Time from 2pm.
  • Question Time viewing only – no tour guide

Non-sitting day tours allow your groups to explore the building, view the Member benches and interact more with the building space.  We recommend question time viewing for secondary students who have prior knowledge of Parliamentary processes.

View the sitting calendar here to determine non-sitting days:

Booking a non-sitting day program:

Tours of Parliament House are hosted by Members of Parliament or their staff.  To organise a booking, you must make your booking directly through the office of a Member of Parliament.

Contact the office of the local MP whose electorate covers your school, or alternatively, a Member of the Legislative Council.

  1. To find your local MP and their office contact details:
    Enter your school’s address here to get the electorate name.
  2. Find the MP for your electorate on this list.
    You can view a list of Legislative Council Members and contact details here
  3. Contact the MP/MLC’s office and request a program.

Booking sitting day viewings:

Contact the House of Assembly on 08 8237 9467 or assembly@parliament.sa.gov.au to query gallery space available.


Corner North Terrace and King William Street, Adelaide SA 5000

Parliament House

North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000

Organising your visit

Please consider whether a sitting day or a non-sitting day is best for your class – the sitting calendar is available here

  • Allow extra time before your tour starts to clear through a security screening similar to that at an airport.
  • Secure storage is available for school bags.
  • Public toilets are available.
  • Water bottles are the only item permitted on school tours.